Netbox browser
The first decentralized blockchain backed web browser BE FREE. BE SMART. BE INDEPENDENT. SURF THE WEB WITH NETBOX.BROWSER AND GET REWARDED. Download Netbox.Browser WEB BROWSER: The first decentralized web browser with integrated blockchain node. It includes Netbox.Wallet, which is credited with rewards for the active usage of the browser. Netbox.Chain & Netbox.Coin BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK AND CRYPTOCURRENCY: A distributed ledger for the operation of the Netbox.Global infrastructure and products; it is based on PoS and a masternode subnet; it uses the Netbox.Coin as an internal cryptocurrency. Netbox.Store DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION MARKETPLACE: A dApp store for free and safe distributed applications usage in the Netbox.Browser. The first dApp based on Netbox.Browser: BattleShip game. Netbox.News CRYPTOCURRENCY NEWS FEED: A subproduct within Netbox.Browser providing fast and easy access to the news of cryptocurrencies and blockchain industry. Netbox.Quotes CRYPTOCURRENCY QUOTES ALWAYS AT HA